Full Body Burials At Sea
Natural Burial / Green Funeral Alternatives
full body burial off the coast of pacific ocean in los angeles county
flower garland wrapped around biodegradable shroud on a boat off the coast of los angeles county
We hear about “Natural Burials” or “Green Funeral Options” constantly nowadays. Most of us assume it implies to ground burial or cremation or even certain types of caskets we can use. But have you ever thought about Water Burial? It is all natural (giving yourself back to earth, wrapped in a biodegradable sailcloth), it is much cheaper than natural ground burial and it is 6 miles out on a yacht (perfectly socially distanced & outside). It’s a beautiful option that we living in Southern California / Los Angeles / Orange County can take advantage of. We offer ways to completely personalize it. Options may include:
• Release something beautiful such as doves, ladybugs or butterflies.
Embrace their community. Were they avid sports fans or in a club with a distinct flag? Bring them wrapped in their favorite thing.
Paint the sky with bubbles. Allow everyone a means to blow bubbles and have the sky and sea full of your loved ones memory.
Bring a musician to pay tribute to the lost loved one.A Bagpipe or bugler players adds an additional element to the scattering.
Prepare a special playlist with songs to play
Bring a favorite food or beverage of the departed for everyone to enjoy.
Arrange for everyone to receive a shot of the loved ones favorite alcohol, followed by one being poured out on the ashes.
Bring a favorite photo of the departed and have it on display.
Create a memory board with memories from the life of the loved one who is being scattered.
Did the departed love pirates, Hawaii, a sport team or something specific? Create a themed event where guests can come dressed up and bring a few elements to keep in the decor of the boat.
Individual roses or flower leis can be arranged so that each member of the group can have an offering to throw into the water once the ashes are spread.
The vessel can be decorated with a floral tribute that showcase something your departed loved.
Burial at sea is thought to have taken place throughout history, with instances dating back as far as Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, alongside the traditional funerary rites of these civilizations. The practice can indeed be found all around the world; in the South Pacific bodies would be placed in a red cloth and launched out to sea in a canoe. People in the Solomon Islands on the other hand would sometimes place their dead on the reefs surrounding the islands for sharks to consume. In much of Asia, scattering ashes at sea is still the norm, and for Hindus in India today it is customary to scatter or place ashes in the holy River Ganges.
The Vikings were especially famous for their ship burials, bringing the practice to the British Isles when they invaded in 700A.D. These burials however often took place on land, with the ship either cremated or interred under a burial mound. In the Norse Sagas we hear of ashes being scattered over the sea, and through there is no physical evidence for the practice, stories tell of Viking ships being set alight and pushed out to sea to be consumed by the flames and waves.
British seafarers and especially the British Navy often found it necessary to perform sea burials. While the French and Spanish traditionally preferred to leave the bodies of their comrades in the ship’s hold until such a time as they could find a land cemetery, the British developed their own ritualized sea burials quite early on. This often involved the body being stitched into a shroud by the ship’s sail maker or one of his mates, with one prevalent tradition dictating that the last stitch should pass though the corpse’s nose. In the 19th Century a dead sailor’s hammock was often used as a shroud instead. In both instances the body would be weighted down with lead shot to ensure it sank properly and did not find its way ashore. After being given a religious service presided over by the captain of the ship, the body would be tipped into the water feet first.
A common superstition amongst sailors, persisting right into the 19th century was that sea birds, such as storm petrels or albatross carried the souls of dead sailors, resulting in beliefs that it was extremely unlucky to do them any harm. One famous burial in the 18th Century was that of the explorer Captain Cook. The circumstances of Cook’s death were rather grizzly, after a disagreement with locals in Hawaii over a stolen boat Cook went ashore and was killed. The few parts his crew could recover were put in a coffin and given a sea burial with great ceremony.